During our first contact, you tell us about your project, your vision, and what you think you need.
At this stage, we develop your idea using our know-how, suggest solutions, and connect you with the right people.
We determine the scope of functionality you need from a software solution, but we do not stop there. We can also support your project in terms of career plan development, marketing concept creation, image development or change, legal support to draft Terms and Conditions/ distributor agreements, etc., as well as assist in the area of industry media purchases.
Only after having received a set of valuable suggestions, ideas and contacts at absolutely no charge from us, you then decide whether or not to enter into a collaborative arrangement with us. After that, we assure you that nothing will ever be the same!
At the project delivery stage, you will see for yourself that everything we said during our initial talks is indeed true. We work efficiently, reliably and effectively, and honor all our commitments.
Your feedback reveals whether we did our job correctly, and if what you received from us is indeed what you wanted and anticipated. With the benefit of your feedback, we can adjust things so that the final outcome is perfectly aligned with the original vision.
And so, now comes the highly anticipated moment – launch! Now all you have to do is watch your sales grow… If you believe that, you are unfortunately wrong! You will need to work hard on your project to give it momentum. Excellent tools and high quality professional support are priceless, but will not do the work for you. We wish you all the best and encourage you to succeed with us!