Outlook for Direct Sales industry in Poland – forecast for 2014
In 2014, direct sales industry (including MLM) is poised for another increase in revenue. InSee estimates that in Poland, the growth will reach 10-12%. Reasons for this optimistic outlook include data about previous growth rate, untapped opportunities to launch new sales channels by building affiliate networks, or ability to expand portfolios with new product segments, including coffee, tee or the so-called “functional cosmetics”
– We anticipate that in 2014 the direct sales industry, including MLM, will continue its dynamic growth at the average rate of 10-12%, while adding new product segments to its sales portfolios. A key contributor is growth potential for entire e-commerce market – points Tomasz Kopera, VP in InSee. – We must take note of purchasing preferences in Poland, where in 2013 Poles spent a record PLN 26 billion on web shopping. Poland has also become Europe’s leader in growth rate for e-commerce which earns increasing share in Polish GNP – addsTomasz Kopera.
Additional boost for MLM growth will come from investments in latest technologies to support operations. Today, you can find solutions which go way beyond typical IT services. In the upcoming year, for companies which operate using commission payments model we plan to develop and customize products which help build their image and innovate in various areas of company activity: attract new customers, nurture relationships with existing customers, run promotional and marketing campaigns, recruit new affiliates, and provide ongoing training. Similar to all e-commerce, direct sales industry shows great interest in mobile technologies.
– From the perspective of our company, which since 2008 specializes in comprehensive solutions and strategic consulting for MLM industry, we observe increasing demand for such services. – says Tomasz Kopera. – Signals we receive from the market indicate that next year will continue existing trends. In addition, we can expect growing investment from international companies which so far have focused on other markets – adds Tomasz Kopera.
Job for the young generation – MLM an alternative to “permanent employment”
Growing MLM industry offers a plethora of opportunities to earn a living. According to data from World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WfDSA), in 2012 this sector employed 89 million people globally, including 0,9 million in Poland. If you have experience in sales, are a dynamic person, and value independence, this model of making a living might be just for you. It’s also a great scenario for young people who only start their professional careers.
– When you look at existing research into this area, people involved in direct sales, including MLM, they choose this path mostly because of its flexibility. This is definitely a very attractive proposal which helps young people find a valid revenue stream. At the same time, its a good alternative to traditional employment formats, which is particularly valued by Generation Y – says Tomasz Kopera.
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